It's The Knit Show

One of my favorite things about the fiber arts community is how innovative we are and how freaking awesome we are. For real. We are inspired and creative and fun and not afraid to just chase those crazy fiber dreams and then share it all with each other. It IS community.

I remember when I was starting out that there were a few who stood out as leaders and represented what I wanted to someday be part of. These were and are people who not only create and spin strings into magnificent things, but emulate the fiber arts loving vibe I feel in my core. I am talking about people who pass on the tools and knowledge to help others achieve their own fiber dreams. People who understand the type of hustle this blog is about.

One of those people I have always admired is Vicki Howell.  We have never met but gosh I feel like I kind of know her.  She is always so real and her spunky vibe comes though on her shows and videos and projects. I have always loved her creativity and it has really inspired my love for color and trying new things. I was super excited when I heard about her new project: The Knit Show.

Super excited for two reasons: One.. it is SO COOL! A series for fiber arts that I can binge or watch at my own pace and be incredibly inspired. And two: IT IS A KNIT SHOW! Vicki launched a kickstarter to build the funds to launch The Knit Show and I was more than happy to support. She has lots of fun reward levels and I am so excited to see this come to life.

The Knit Show will film early summer in Austin, Texas and be ready to air in time for prime, knitting and crochet season! (So, Fall.) Think about it... getting cozy with a Knit Show binge whilst... you know... knitting. It is just too cool.

You can find everything you possibly need to know, (including the SUPER COOL spoof videos they’ve produced and Rewards Levels) here

Can't wait. Are you excited for The Knit Show like I am?