Spotlight ON: GGMadeIt

Some people just beam and radiate light and love when you are in their presence. In the fiber world, my friend GG is one of them. Since the moment we met it was an instant connection of love and light. Not the gloss over kind. The we were meant to be friends kind. The I want to sit and listen to your story kind, She is that special human. As I use this space to launch spotlights on various makers and people in the fiber community - it made perfect sense for her to be up first. I asked her our Maker Profile Questions and got her thoughts on the current conversation of diversity and inclusion.

1. Tell Us all about YOU? 

Hi my name is Gaye Glasspie. I am best known in these cyber streets as GG of GGmadeit. I am born,  raised and still reside in Dirty Jersey. In relation to crafting, I like to call myself bi-stitchual because I can knit and crochet. I learned to crochet as a kid in day camp, however, knitting is my drug of choice. 

2. Do you fiber for love or is this your J-O-B? Or a bit of both? Share a bit of your fiber journey with us.

The why is always important isn't it? To answer the question as you presented, I will say a bit of both. It started (knitting) as a coping mechanism as I was going through what I hope to be the darkest chapter of my life. I literally held on to my yarn/knitting like a lifeline. I truly felt like if I didn't knit I would fall apart. I promise yarn/knitting has held me together to this very day. 

3. What is the most cherished thing you ever made for someone else? Who is truly knit worthy?

I would have say the hat I made for my kid with the two pom poms like Beyonce. She is a HUGE fan and she was so happy. Her happiness filled me with pride, therefore, she is the most knit worthy person I know.
(interjecting here to completely agree that Shelbey is TOTALLY KNIT WORTHY)

4. What is the favorite thing you made for yourself?

Ahh that changes with every FO, LOL! Right now I love my Bamboo Summer Top by Nancy Ricci. Another favorite is my Spring Fever Wrap by Amy Miller because that was my first major fingering weight project. If you ask me next week it will be something else. I think it's all about skills improvement. When I complete a project that I was convinced I couldn't do, baby it's a party! LOL

5. Who and/or what inspires you?

The simple answer is my kid. The why behind that is I need to continue to be an example for her to follow when life gets tough. Because she exists, giving up is so NOT an option. 

6. Let’s talk about DiversKnitty Movement. To me it is interesting because I am the minority within my knit squad and am so enriched by that fact. What are your thoughts about Diversknitty and where would you like to see the movement take us?

I wrote a blog post about this very thing. This one is touchy for me. From my view (meaning my fiber friends) we are quite diverse. The issue, in my opinion, is exposure. What you don't normally see is someone that looks like me in the major publications. We are not the faces on the patterns, or the advertisements. So when I showed up with a logo sporting a big curly afro, folks often said they loved it because we are not represented. I agree representation matters, but at the end of the day can you knit? Are you nice? Because those factors are more important to me. As far as what's next, I think we need to see more of EVERYone, because we exist. Like one of my cups says "We Knit Too" and anything else for that matter. 
Last but not least - how can the people stay connected with you?
Instagram: @GGmadeit 
Twitter: @GGmadeit 
Website or blog:
Etsy Shop: GGMadeItByHand
Ravelry: GGmadeit 

And speaking of GG Made It pins… wanna win one? Enter here: